YWAM Carmen, Cagayan de Oro
When people first come to your website this is what they will see. This is called a landing page.
What could this page look like?
You can start with a few words here welcoming people and a couple of places they can click on.
This picture is in the background. It will showcase something about your location.
These two buttons can lead to areas that talk more about specific things your location is known for: Schools, outreaches, ministries, events, etc.
Our Schools

On this section of the landing page, you have an introduction to the school or schools you run.
You can link here to an alumni page of previous schools.
Then an introduction to your next school or schools.

School Name
Next dates for the school
Introduction to the school and what will be taught.

School Name
Next dates for the school
Introduction to the school and what will be taught.

School Name
Next dates for the school
Introduction to the school and what will be taught.

Opportunities to Server
What could people do if they came to your location on outreach from somewhere else in the world?
List a few things outreach teams have done in the past.
100% People
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List some up coming Special Events

08 Sep 2023
Cooking with your garden.

08 DEC 2023
Cooking with your garden.
Latest from the Blog
Having a Blog for your School and for your location makes your landing page fresh every time you write something. And you did not have to do anything with the Landing page.
It is not hard to write a quick blog post, publish it here, and copy it to your Facebook page and Instagram.
Bang, and your social media is done for the week.
A blog post can be quickly written, with an outline of what has been happening this week, and a plan for next week. Take lots of pictures. Put in an captivating background.Post IntroductionLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do...
School Post
A blog post can be quickly written, with an outline of what has been happening this week, and a plan for next week. Take lots of pictures. Put in an captivating background. Post IntroductionLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed...
YWAM Mandaluyong
Coming soon!
A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors, do you have people that have supported you? Mention them here.